Conscious Contact Online deals with my experiences of entering a channeled state to receive collective flow information from an outside consciousness. These beings refer to themselves as extra terrestrial in origin, however; the more important factor is not really so much who they are, but the message they convey.
Anyone can truly enter a channeling state. We as human beings are channeling our own consciousness all of the time. When you are in a state to focus on painting a work of art, or channeling your focus on writing music or playing an instrument, or writing a novel, you are literally connecting with your own consciousness.
Your consciousness is the most powerful attribute you will ever come across. It is capable of limitless abilities that we as a civilization still to this day have no idea how powerful it truly is. Our limited understanding from the confines of society rules limits our understanding of unlimitedness all within itself.
The consciousness that comes through my automatic writing channelings speaks much on the pure unlimited abilities of consciousness as well as our civilization in general, what lies ahead for us, our evolution and breaking ground to a whole new understanding of attaining super consciousness to help us achieve upliftment to new understandings of existence.
If you have any questions that you would be interested in having answered through the consciousness I channel, feel free to send me an email and I will be happy to answer it in my next scheduled channeling session. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the information that is provided through this website and thank you in advance for visiting.
All the best.
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